
Eclipsing San Antonio

What’s All the Fuss Surrounding This One?

When I first heard about the upcoming 2024 eclipse, I wanted to go simply because I got to see the one in 2017 in Wyoming…so why not?  

I felt like San Antonio was the place I was supposed to see it and I soon started hearing all kinds of biblical type things regarding this eclipse.  

Here’s an interesting link re the crazy stuff surrounding the upcoming 4/8/24 eclipse: https://www.touroftruth.com/post/2024-total-eclipse-point-of-convergence-is-america-being-marked-by-god 

I don’t know what will happen, but the government warnings that have been coming out are strange…and I now don’t trust those glasses NASA so desperately wants us to wear.  

And why is the National Guard being called out? 

To be fair, since 2020, I think it’s just best to do the opposite of what big brother wants us to do, but that’s just me. 

Whatever happens, it’s at least another chance for me to get to explore this fabulous country of ours! 

Palo Duro Canyon
Texas Sky-Not a chemtrail in sight!

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