
Ishtar the Starbucks Siren? Ishtarbucks?

Want to know what they're pouring into you?

I don’t think I can recall there ever being a time where dark things tried so hard to keep me from speaking about them. In fact, it’s taken over 3 months to get this out.

Satan has tried to shut me up my entire life, but wow! The attacks surrounding this have been unprecedented. I probably don’t have any concept of how powerful this demon is, but I do have a concept of how powerful my Jesus is and I will not be quiet! I will not be intimidated and I will not submit to fear. He stands behind me!

The uptick in attacks all started with a dream I will share with you…

In my dream, my friend and I were at some event and I think we might have been working it in some fashion. All I know is that I really needed coffee! Bad!

My friend surprised me with an iced latte in a clear, plastic cup that initially had no markings on it. I was so grateful and it was such a welcome gift and it tasted soooo good! After drinking a few sips, maybe 1/4 of the cup, I noticed the Starbucks logo appeared on the cup.

I was suddenly faced with a conundrum and I heard the Lord say, "Will you fear Me, or will you fear man?"

About a year and a half ago, I learned from Jonathan Cahn, I believe, that the Starbucks logo represents the demon god, Ishtar, (and later found the back of it shows it is also a mermaid - marine spirit with a seductively split tail.) It was after the Ishtar (also where “Easter” come from) revelation, that I stopped drinking anything related to Starbucks. I won't even drink out of a mug or glass with the logo. My belief is that accepting that logo in any form or fashion in my life would signify my coming into agreement with that demon.

It would be easy to criticize that and call it legalism, but if you knew my heart, you'd understand it is an intense fear of the Lord and respect for Who He is and what He's done for me. I did have an emergency situation July 18, 2023 where I was on the road and had an important meeting scheduled and Starbucks was my last resort after 2 other coffee shops I'd traveled to were closed.

The meeting was horribly catastrophic and another valuable friendship was destroyed!!! However, it was a great lesson about how serious God was about my not coming into agreement with anything that is not of Him. I should have cancelled the meeting. I had to renounce, repent, and ask for forgiveness for coming into agreement with that darkness.

So, back to the dream. I had to make a decision. Do I throw away the coffee out of fear of the Lord and risk offending my friend? Or, do I politely drink the yummy, and much needed coffee and offend my God?

I threw the coffee away.

In real life, this severely angered the demons when I told anyone about it. I was told I should never share something like this…by something dark inhabiting someone really good.

So, if the demons got that aggitated…it just means I’m over a serious target and I need to share it more. If you want to know more, I’m providing resources below to help you decide if maybe God is calling you to the same decision to avoid this symbol and what it’s connected to, or it might help you to decide that it’s time to unsubscribe from the ”crazy” stuff I’m putting out here. ;-)

This video was an entertaining dive into mythological history and potential suggestions as to who the logo might represent, but Lilith??? Ugh! The mention of her in that video took me back to my strippper days where I had no idea how deep the occult world had sucked me in…all while I was still attending church. (And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is one reason why you should avoid thinking church people are going to accurately represent Jesus to you!)

It was during that time when I heard the abridged story of Lilith, who supposedly was Adam’s first wife…according to Kabalah, I believe. I had no idea that was basically Jewish witchcraft, but the story resonated with me and I began to believe that maybe I came from her bloodline. I didn’t realize, though, that she is a demon god.

According to the legend that I heard, Lilith, made separately from Adam, couldn’t stand Adam and left him to go wander the earth. So, God then made Eve from Adam’s rib so she would be connected to him and not run away. (I’m paraphrasing a lot here.)

At the time, I was incredibly independent, very happy single, and uncomfortable if I wasn’t exploring something. I began to wonder if maybe I was not from Eve’s bloodline and maybe that was why I was so different. Being of the Lilith line seemed to make sense. (Ugh! How stupid and ignorant I was before Jesus stepped in and pursued me!)

Pair all of that with the fact that my bloodline was so steeped in witchraft from my severely Irish and British background, something in this video really bothered me.

He talked about Lilith having been married to satan…and creating a bloodline from that union.

Suddenly, as I was watching this, I was filled with remorse (again) for ever having associated myself with that demon and began to wonder how the bloodlines work. What if I was destined to hell because of what I’d been born into?

The Lord quickly swooped in and attacked the thought that was beginning to form and destroyed it. “I GRAFTED YOU IN!” He said loudly and showed me an image of a branch being grafted on to a very fruitful tree.

I was immediately relieved and grateful that my God would not let dark thoughts questioning my salvation survive for very long.

In all of that, and in all that has been revealed lately about the satanic bloodlines that govern the earth right now, I had been wondering if people in those bloodlines could be saved…the bloodlines created by fallen angels coupling with the daughters of men. Was I in those bloodlines?

The “grafting” analogy comes from Romans 11 and I have to say, there’s a lot to unpack there that will take some time for me. I don’t fully understand it, but am so grateful to hear those words, “I grafted you in!” I love my Jesus so much and would be heartbroken if it was a bloodline, something I had no control over, that might keep me from Him.

In fact, the more I look at Romans 11, the more amazed and grateful I am for all the mysteries revealed there and the realization that I am grafted in. Why? Why was I chosen? I am ovewhelmed by the grace and mercy involved in the pursuing of me, the removing of the originals who didn’t appreciate their lot, and the grafting in of the wicked chosen to be redeemed.

I renounced, repented of, and asked forgiveness for the whole Lilith thing a while back and again, as I watched that video. I thanked God that He made it so easy for us, through something so horrible for Him. Who am I to be offered that? I don’t deserve that. Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice!

Okay, I think there is more to unpack there for another blog, but back to posting resources…

Here’s one that I’m still processing, as it took me down the Asherah Pole Rabbit Hole and now I am wondering if that’s what Christmas trees are. Anyway, Ashtoreth, Asherah, Astarte, Ishtar…all the same entity just with different names based on different cultures. “The Starbucks Logo is a Goddess of Fertility, Sexuality, and War: Say Hello to the Biblical Ashtoreth” was an interesting read. What are your thoughts on it?

I haven’t come back across the original reference by Jonathan Cahn to Ishtar and the Starbucks logo. It might be found in the link below, or I might have him mixed up with someone else. Either way, his work in Return of the Gods is fascinating! Here’s a link to the videos: Return of the Gods Videos although I prefered the DVD set, as it doesn’t stop and start every 5 minutes, or so.

By the way, no, I do not get any kickbacks on any of the links here. And if you’re wondering why I will never post an Amazon link on my blog, it’s because I am trying my best NOT to fund the war that is raging against us.

In conclusion, I have witnessed this Starbucks demon destroy a total of 4 very valuable relationships, but it is not powerful enough to do anything that my God does not allow. He WILL get the glory from all of it and Ishtarbucks will be defeated in the end.

Here’s a much better logo found just outside of San Antonio, TX.

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