
One Thousand Miles to Get to Mormons

Exposing darkness through bike rides? Seriously? (Keep reading. The story is not in the video.)

I knew I would hit 1,000 miles on this ride and, at the beginning of the mostly unplanned ride, I prayed the 1,000-mile mark would be a pretty site for me to stop and make a video.

The entire ride was a little over 16 miles, so not a huge one and once the River Bluffs bike path ended, I was just kind of wandering around aimlessly. At one point, I thought I heard something say, “Go left.” not long after my prayer.

I went right and immediately heard, “Seriously, Andi? I said go left.”

So, I made a u-turn and headed left through a strange neighborhood and just kind of followed my gut from there.

I was less than a quarter of a mile away from the 1,000-mile mark for the year when this beautiful building came into view.

Sure enough, I hit 1,000 miles exactly right where you see me in the first part of the video...at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Temple. My prayer was answered because it sure was a pretty site to stop and film. So, yay!!

But outside a Mormon Church?

Okay, so maybe this is an opportunity for me to expose why I now try to stay far away from the false religion I was subjected to as a child, while visiting my grandmother.

Bear with me, because much of this is coming from memory and the “source-seekers” usually aren’t appeased by that, which is fair. So I’ve provided a very well-written and well-researched article at the end for those and it will blow your mind.

First of all, Joseph Smith was well- known as the town liar. (See the article for the crazy way he died.)

Next, Moroni was not an angel, but rather a demon whose name is just one letter shy of Moronic. (Seriously? Sometimes it’s just right in front of your face.)

The Book of Mormon has zero archaeological evidence, as Moroni supposedly took back the golden tablets he gave to Smith, so you just had to take Smith’s word for it that they ever existed.

They tell you the Jesus of the Bible is not the Jesus they worship. (On a completely unrelated note, even demons sometimes claim to be Jesus Christ.)

And here’s where they really lost me as a kiddo. If you’re a good Mormon, when you die, you get your own planet and, as a female, you get to be eternally pregnant…ever populating your planet. Ugh!

No…that does not sound like Heaven to me. But it does sound like an open door or legal ground for demonic activity in the lives of those involved and even for descendants of those involved.

Yes, I’ve had to renounce and repent of ancestral involvement in Mormonism and Freemasonry and asked for forgiveness in order to close those doors in my own life and take back legal ground from the enemy. I just love how God very gently removed layer after layer of muck that had covered my life. This was just part of more layers of the muck.

If you want to learn more about how He did that for me, message me.

For more details about this false religion, Joseph Smith being exposed as a Mason (cult experts regard Masonic Religion as a Satanic cult), and some incredible absurdities in the historical facts of the polygamous affairs of both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young (some mutually shared), the article below goes into greater detail than a quick blog allows for. And if your mind isn’t blown by it…it’s possible you’re just not literate and only pretended to read the article. (Obviously that’s hyperbole…but see for yourself.)

So, it seems like God had me ride a thousand miles to give me an opportuntiy to point people in the direction of the truth about LDS by pointing me in the direction of a pretty place to commemorate the milestone. If one set of eyes are opened by this story, it is all so very worth it! Were your eyes opened? Let me know.


Excerpts from the article linked above:

Now that the papyri had been located and proven by the leaders of the Church and its scholars to be the very one Joseph Smith had translated, the question was: Do they read the same as what Joseph Smith’s translation said? Very quickly they were discovered to be nothing more than pagan burial records called the “Book of Breathings,” a short portion of the Book of the Dead. Egyptologist, James Henry Breasted, explains that “…the Book of the Dead is chiefly a book of Magical charms… it was written by a very superstitious people and is quite different from the religion taught in the Bible.”

LDS President Gordon B. Hinckley made a statement June 4, 1998 acknowledging that he (and the LDS Church) does not believe in the same Jesus Christ as traditional Christianity. He said, ”The traditional Christ of who they speak in not the Christ of whom I speak. For the Christ of whom I speak had been revealed in this the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. He together with His Father, appeared to the boy Joseph Smith in the year 1820, and when Joseph left the grove that day, he knew more of the nature of God than all the learned ministers of the gospel of the ages.” (Church News, June, 20 1998, p. 7. emphasis added)


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