Once I began working at the club, my dreams began to change. Having nightmares was nothing new. I couldn’t remember a time when I didn’t have them….but my dreams soon took a darker shift. My dreams began to carry me into the depths of Hell. There are four I vividly remember.
In the first dream, everything was green and lush where I was driving. There were huge flourishing trees with low-hanging moss and hearty, green crabgrass along the road, when suddenly, I came to a cemetery. The road had ended at the cemetery. I wasn’t sure what to do, but was ready to explore. I wandered around, looking at some of the tombstones. I don’t recall any names, only that some of the stones had begun to crumble at the edges.
At the back of the cemetery was a stone wall. I decided to climb it and at the top of the wall I discovered a road running parallel to the wall. Looking to the right, I could see the road traveled upwards toward the sky. Looking to the left, I could see the road traveled downward into a tunnel.
I took the easy path and descended down into the tunnel. That was dumb!
The tunnel and the road soon melted away and I was in an office building, of sorts, with different meeting rooms, offices, and a cafeteria. This was Hell and I had a guide to show me all the different aspects of it.
My guide and I walked past an auditorium, where people spent eternity listening to dull, drab, droning keynote speakers who offered topics about nothing of interest or importance.
We walked past offices filled with people staring into computers, trying to get through all their email…the never-ending, eternal email. These people were not allowed to leave this room until all of their email had been appropriately dealt with. The catch was there was never an end to it. Eternal email hell!
I remember thinking, “Okay, this isn’t so bad. At least it’s not fiery and hot like we’ve been told. This is doable.” But it wasn’t. Not long into the dream, I could feel myself losing my mind from the boredom and monotony and the annoying speakers. And then I went to the cafeteria.
Body parts.
We were expected to eat body parts! It was like the weird Halloween party set up where you had grapes for eyeballs, spaghetti for guts, and so on. Only the eyeballs were eyeballs and the guts were guts. This is where I lost my mind! In the dream, I went insane. There was no road out. It had melted away. There were no doors to escape out of. I was there for eternity! Stuck in the Office of Hell!
And then I woke up…so relieved I was not really in Hell!
In the second dream, I found myself riding a stunningly exquisite train. The interior of the train was ornately beautiful and plush. The seats were covered in burgundy velvet and the walls were mahogany. The trim of the windows was a made of decorative gold, that gave the illusion the windows were really framed works of art. The red carpet had been rolled out to make a path down the center aisle of the car.
There was a beautiful mahogany bar set up in the middle of the car, for those who needed a little extra kick for the ride, and those who were partaking were jolly and boisterous. This was the most beautiful train I had ever been in and I was in a car reserved for the elite of the elite.
The train began to move and the conductor bellowed over the intercom, “Welcome aboard! You are now on your way to Hell. Enjoy the ride.”
As I looked out the window, I could see a serene lake just outside. There were slight ripples on the water’s surface as something beautifully sinister began to peak through the blue water. I watched as a strangely exquisite creature emerged from below the surface. It was a cross between a dragon and a sea-serpent and it would gracefully burst up from the water into the air then dive back down into the water. As it did, it’s metallic scales in hues of teals, greens, blues, and purples reflected the sunlight and highlighted its beauty.
Its name was Monster and I got the distinct impression it was our initial greeter into the darkness we were about to enter. Beautifully sinister. The train descended into a dark tunnel and the dream ended.
The ride to hell was beautiful and lush. The vehicle carrying me there was filled with luxurious things and enticing vices. It was a trick, but the dream was a distinct warning. My life was filled with luxurious things, enticing vices, and beautiful monsters. I WAS on my way to Hell.
In the third dream, I sat on a stone bench on top of the castle, just basking in the sunshine and enjoying an absolutely gorgeous day. The whole world could be seen from the top of this castle and it was at my disposal.
As I was soaking in the sun, a shadow came over me. A dark figure was blocking the sun. Death, in its hooded cloak and carrying its sickle, had come to visit. Well, not to visit actually. It came to take my soul.
Death told me, “It’s time to go with me.” I argued with him citing the beautiful day as a reason for me not to join him. He did not care to argue. He made one wild flourish with his free hand and, all of a sudden, the bench I was sitting on quickly descended through each floor of the castle, past the dungeon, then into the depths of hell. I guess I lost that argument.
Death began to give me my Orientation into my new eternity. We passed through caverns of fire as we walked on hot coals. There were torture caves everywhere where dead souls were being whipped, beaten, flesh devoured, and eyes gouged by joyous demons, happy to be relieved from their own torture during the time they tormented others.
As Death and I continued our tour, he attempted to introduce me to a Demon Monkey that approached us. Before Death could finish the introduction, I told him there was no need, since I was already acquainted with Oofsa. (Oofsa was the name of said Demon Monkey.)
That was the end of the dream. I told a friend about it and she told her father. His interpretation was that if I knew the demon monkey in the dream, then I was subconsciously connected to it in real life. He felt like Oofsa was something that was already with me. The rest of his interpretation was that I was on a path of self-destruction and that if I did not change how I was living, I would soon be dead. I believe this last part was 100% accurate!
And in the fourth dream, the last thing I saw, before closing my eyes to fall into a deep nap, was the “1:00” on the digital display of the clock next to my bed.
The next thing I knew, I was in hell. There was no guide this time. No pretty train, no path to take. I was just there, and it was exactly how it has been described. Hot. Dark. The stinch of death and sulfur stinging my nostrils. Fire coming at me from all directions. Lava. Torture. Hell.
“How did I get here? How do I get out? Is this forever? How do you do forever here? This is horrible! THIS. IS. HELL!”
The gnashing of teeth wasn’t a lie. The utter misery wasn’t a lie. The despair wasn’t a lie. The torture wasn’t a lie. The pit wasn’t a lie.
I had been there forever, it seemed, when suddenly, I saw something beautiful. Jesus was there and He was there for me. I clung to Him and begged Him to rescue me. I begged Him to get me out of there. I told Him how horrible it was.
He replied, “I know. I’ve been here, too, remember?”
Me: “Yes, but you were only here for 3 days. I have been here for forever!”
Jesus: “You’ve been here 3 hours.”
My eyes opened to see the digital display of my clock read, “4:00.” He was right. I had been there exactly 3 hours. I have never before and never since been happier to be back in my bed. Safe. For the time being.
Jesus would eventually rescue me from the club, and the hell I was descending into, in a very unconventional way…which is how my God does things. Very unconventionally.
It would take a sex assault to pull me out of the darkness and begin to lead me into the light…
If you would like to help publish my book, “Dancing into Deliverance; From Slut Bucks to Slaying Demons,” you can do that: