Sneak Peek #4 "Dancing Into Deliverance: From Slut Bucks to Slaying Demons"
Strange dances, strange propositions, strange life, and the answer to, "What in the world are 'Slut Bucks?'"
It was a curious thing to watch which guys gravitated toward which dancers. Everyone has a type they’re attracted to and I don’t recall it ever bothering me if someone wasn’t attracted to me. We had some pretty unique girls, and it was easy to find someone to match someone’s preference.
All of us were in our 20s except for Ash, who was 40. She was such a sweet lady and the older guys loved her…and her daughter. Ash and Mary would sometimes dance as a Mother/Daughter team and the guys ate it up. I can’t remember if I ever thought, back then, of how sad of a thing that is.
I think that in that world, there is just too much you grow numb to. I think I was more intrigued with how Ash could still be dancing at 40 (which seemed so old back then and so young now) that I didn’t question how a mom could get to a place where she would be okay with her daughter being a stripper.
What happened in their lives to bring them to a point where they were both on a stage selling themselves as meat? They were both so beautiful on the inside and out and I hate that I didn’t dive more into their stories to find out. We all had nasty trauma, though, and if you opened that box there was the chance it might be too hard to shut. Maybe it was best to leave it alone and only show what was on the outside. That was the profitable side, anyway.
Some of the guys found Moonbeam, a flailing hippie of a dancer, to be the most enticing, while others thought she was quite odd. I have to say that I really loved watching her wild, flower-child type dances. While all the other girls were doing their best seductive dances, Moonbeam would twirl around and flail her arms, legs, and hair wildly, as though she believed the stage was actually a meadow filled with exploding wildflowers. It was such a bizarre, yet refreshing thing to see…like a beautiful train wreck you just can’t look away from. The guys either loved it or hated it and she didn’t care either way. She had her following and made plenty of money off of the ones who thought her unique style was beautiful.
Sylvia and Chanel had quite a distinctive style, as well. With conservative, well-put-together looks, and dressed in business suits, they had an act that wasn’t usually found in a strip club. The corporate guys were enchanted by them. I can’t say for sure, but I have an idea Sylvia and Chanel managed to satisfy an unfulfilled and possibly dark, secret obsession with a co-worker, or maybe even female boss. Like I said, I don’t know for sure. It’s just a feeling I got from their regulars. Both girls were super smart and savvy and knew how to work well together to work the crowd.
Angela intrigued me. She was a calm, stoic, platinum blond with a bob cut and perfect porcelain skin. She was absolutely gorgeous and her whole purpose in being there was to exploit capitalism. In fact, we laughed at how ridiculous the job was and she remarked it was the best example of “capitalism at its finest.” This wasn’t said disdainfully. It was said gratefully. Where else could someone make the kind of money we did with no need for a degree?